Thursday, May 08, 2008

Grating on my nerves.

So what's the deal with grated cheese sandwiches? Does anyone honestly think that grated cheese makes a better sandwich filler than say, sliced cheese? Do people like seeing half the contents of their sandwich fall to the plate as they try to eat it? Or do British people have a better grip than those of us from other countries?


Saturday, March 08, 2008

"Yeah you don't get that information without dinner and a couple of cocktails...."

(My thoughts regarding having to submit my biometric info to the data-saving-challenged UK government by the end of the year.)

The only thing more creepy would be having to submit it to the American government.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Radio-Free England

Very sad about losing Pandora in the UK.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Officially the Weirdest Email to Go 'Round the Office Today.

Did you leave your trousers in my office??!! After a day away from the office (on Thursday) I returned and found a pair of black mens trousers in my office. Not having seen any of your walking around without your trousers I am not sure to whom I should return them. Please come and collect them if they are yours.

Thank you,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pig Out.

For more about British people and their seeming obsession with hog roasts, tune in next time...

Friday, September 28, 2007


So this world cup thingie is my first ever foray into the sport of rugby. Myoffice has set up a "pool" of sorts and I've been given the Italy team to support, whihc I'm happy to do, but having watched my first ever rugby match the other week, I just want to say that I never want to hear how violent American football is again. I mean sheesh. Ok, that is all.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Michael Sick

I've been really disturbed--even from "across the pond"-- about the Michael Vick dogfighting case and I'd planned to do a post about why. But really, all my reasons have already been mentioned by others: the cruelty, the insanity of such a rich guy trying to get even more rich by profiting off cruelty, the fact that he lied about being involved...but the simple fact is that I'm upset and angry because two of my major loves are dogs and American football and Michael Vick has abused both. And I know "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and all, but I can't help hoping that he goes to jail. I'm sorry, but I can't.