Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My thoughts on being home sick, or "poorly" as they say here.

I have this theory about being home sick and that is this: there is no point in being home sick from work if you are in fact too sick to enjoy it. If that's the case you may as well be at work. The best time to be home sick is when you are just sick enough to justify staying home but not too sick to enjoy your being-at-homeness. You know, when you can drink tea and read in bed and catch up on great films you've been meaning to watch. The kind of sick I am right now, when you are coughing every 4.5 seconds and can barely get motivated to lift the remote...and where blogging this short paragraph has taken waaaaaay too long....this kind stinks. I may as well be at work.
Ok that's my theory. More on why Grand Marnier is better than Nyquil later.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Poor Naomi! Get well soon.
Also, just wanted to share that I bought some awesome shoes over Christmas and I miss having people at work who appreciate them!