Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tacky Headline o' the Day

I know that having resided in Britain, where one of the major papers recently ran the headline, "How do you solve a problem like Korea", I should be used to journalistic tackitude. But today's salute to tack comes from the NY Daily News, which decided to go with: 'Reese's marriage in pieces'.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Things that make you go, "Ew."

Wow. I'm sure that the state of Texas tourism office has considered many, many taglines for travel brochures, but now they can officially add, "Texas: the state that brought you fried Coke."

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Curiously enough.

I googled the phrase "American Londoner" and it only came back with 82 pages.

P.S. Then I googled the word "googled" and it came up with 3,880,000 pages.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Read it and weep.

So after my eye doctor appointment today, I did a little reading about what benefits are available from my local council for people with severe visual impairments. It turns out that one of them is a discount at the cinema for the partially sighted person and a companion of their choice.
Cuz yeah, blind people just love to go to the movies.

Perhaps they should add the following benefits: driving lessons, bowling passes and a stargazing adventure.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'll tell ya what's sad...

4:45 this afternoon: go to get coffee, forget to get loyalty card stamped.
5:45 (now): still bugging me.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Can this be right?

A friend of mine who recently moved to London told me Saturday night that she already unknowingly committed two London dating faux pas:

1. She expected the guy to pay for dinner, even though it was the second date and not the first.
2. She accepted a man's invitation for a drink, but had made post-drink plans, so when the man asked her to go to dinner after the drink, she told him she had these plans...and hasn't heard from him since.

My friend was subsequently told that a| she shouldn't expect the man to pay for dinner after the first date, that that's just not done here, and b) she definitely should have left the whole evening free when the second man asked her out for a drink.

I told my friend that I would put this tale of woe up on my blog to see if any of the four people who read it could offer some insight regarding this Secret London Dating Code.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ha! I knew it wasn't just me!

from good ol' Wikipedia:

Coulrophobia is a mental condition concerning the fear of clowns and mime artists. It has attracted a large amount of interest in the entertainment media and on the Internet, where websites have been created to specifically address the condition.

I haven't felt this big a sense of validation since reading recently that Scarlett Johansson's first crush was on David Bowie in Labyrinth. Yeah, that's right. Just like me.

Ah the comfort of consensus.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

time to pimp the friend.


her unabashed joy never ceases to...well, it just never ceases.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I kid you not; I've actually heard people say this today.

Why on earth would anybody wish someone a "Happy Yom Kippur"?