Monday, October 16, 2006

Can this be right?

A friend of mine who recently moved to London told me Saturday night that she already unknowingly committed two London dating faux pas:

1. She expected the guy to pay for dinner, even though it was the second date and not the first.
2. She accepted a man's invitation for a drink, but had made post-drink plans, so when the man asked her to go to dinner after the drink, she told him she had these plans...and hasn't heard from him since.

My friend was subsequently told that a| she shouldn't expect the man to pay for dinner after the first date, that that's just not done here, and b) she definitely should have left the whole evening free when the second man asked her out for a drink.

I told my friend that I would put this tale of woe up on my blog to see if any of the four people who read it could offer some insight regarding this Secret London Dating Code.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(a) Just about the last bastion of feminism left in the UK is that blokes should no longer assume they will pay the bill. Politeness is, of course, an entirely different consideration. If you're looking for a rule of thumb, most chaps no longer offer to pay the bill for fear of appearing patronising.

(b) ...Or she could have offered to take him with her. Politeness, again. Certainly 'having drinks' has connotations here beyond merely shooting the breeze IF both parties are single and have been flirting. The expectation would be that dinner might follow.

There's a (c) also. It's not a valid assumption that it's the guy who always has to call the girl.