Thursday, September 22, 2005


Someone* who shall remain nameless told me recently that my blog was starting to sound a bit anti-Brit (yes, this person is British). So, in a complete cowering to peer pressure, I'll now note some of the things I really like about London:

1. Hyde Park
2. The British Library (what this country hordes is unbeleivable)
3. The samosa from that guy on Brick Lane
4. Red and Happy magazines
5. That the NFI is showing the Dylan documentary and so is BBC Two
6. Muller Rice--that stuff is the business
7. The fact that people who have lived here for a long time can still get just as lost as me
8. All the open markets
9. Flowers everywhere
10. The cup of coffee I got from Corner Coffee on my walk this morning,the best 90p I've spent so far

There ya go, a ten-item salute.


Anonymous said...

As a British Subject I am not convinced that I feel much affirmed when our National Library is accused of hording. What we have collected and preserved for the world is quite astounding and that we should trust any other culture with the safe-keeping of such things as we have treasured and kept safe for hundreds of years is quite a preposterous idea.

Anonymous said...

As a British Subject - I am not convinced that I feel much affirmed when our National Library is accused of hording. What we have collected and preserved for the world is quite astounding and that we should trust any other culture with the safe-keeping of such things as we have treasured and kept safe for hundreds of years is quite a preposterous idea.

Anonymous said...

As a Brit - I am not convinced that I feel much affirmed when our National Library is accused of hording. What we have collected and preserved for the world is quite astounding and that we should trust any other culture with the safe-keeping of such things as we have treasured and kept safe for hundreds of years is quite a preposterous idea.

j. edward keyes said...

No love for Ian Curtis, The Office or Lady Sovereign?