Thursday, October 27, 2005

It had to happen sooner or later...

Those of you who know me know that I'm psychotically loyal to my hair person back in SF, the wonderful, fantastic, gifted artistic E" who's bravely taken me from blonde to red to brunette to blue to pink, to combinations thereof, etc.

Needless to say, one of the first thoughts that went through my shallow (but well coifed) head when I was considering moving to London was, "But what will I do without E*?" Seriously, when you mentally calculate how much a plane flight from SF to London would cost in addition to the hairstyle...well, you know yer an addict.

But today I could put it off no more. The roots were too hideous, the ends just too I was PMSing. So I took a deep breath...and started googling. No place I found online gave me good vibes, but when I popped out to grab a cup of coffee I spied a small studio advertising a student discount. It looked clean and reasonably priced (for London) and the people working there had nice I tiptoed to the counter and made an appointment for after work.

I actually almost didn't go, the prospect of a new hair person being that repugnant to me. But all's well that ends well. I have new color, a new cut and feel like I've taken a big step.

Now, I know that some of you out there are probably thinking that with all the messed up things out there--hurricanes, wars, possible impending avian flu epidemics--that I'm super trivial for devoting this much cyberspace to my hair chronicles.

Yeah well, Mr. McCrankypants, maybe if you went and got your hair done you wouldn't be quite so darn gloomy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

funny flatmate

Below is the full text of an email from my flatmate, answering my inquiry regarding when our washing machine will get fixed:

[Per the landlord] the method for getting it fixed is to walk down the street until you see the washing machine repairs van, and then invite the driver to come and fix the one at 105.

Coming soon, the Bird Flu prevention method based on walking down the street hitting random birds with a cricket bat....

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Have somehow managed to gain four pounds since moving here. Must be the sudden increase of all things potato-related in my diet. That and those dang HobNobs.

Anyway, am hoping that this public admission will compel me to reverse this fortune. Plus, doesn't typing burn calories?

Gotta go. Time for dinner.

Answer: Two and a half hours.

Question: How long did the 14-mile trip into work take this morning?

Welcome to London.

Moving on, I have to mention something I really appreciate about British conversational dialogue. I like how instead of asking, "How are you?" (which we Americans often ask without really wanting an answer) they simply say, "[You] all right?"* which requires a much simpler "yes" or "no" response. Good thinkin' there.

* The "you" is implied, not actually spoken. If I were to write it out like it sounds, it would read something like, "Yaright?"

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'll take "things I just don't understand about the UK*" for 500 please, Alex.

1. the "logic" behind a two pence coin
2. Marmite
3. the fascination with Big Brother
4. the absolute refusal to sell refrigerated eggs
5. the staunch anti-ice position
6. how people here drink instant coffee...and seem to enjoy it

*and probably never will

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Today a co-worker...let's call him *Grover for now...posed a question to me, which went something along the lines of asking the differences between the tube and the subway in say, New York. I didn't have so great of an answer then, but after pondering a bit more, I've come to the conclusion that the major difference doesn't so much have to do with the differences in public transport as the people who use the public transport; i.e. if the New York City Dept of Transportation had to close down a whole train line, like London has had to shut down the Northern Line, New Yorkers would flippin' riot. They just wouldn't have it. They'd be like, "You gotta be freakin' kiddin' me! Yo, you shut down my train line and I'm gonna bust a cap in your..." You get the idea. Not Londoners. They just adapt.

So there ya go, Grover. Your answer lies somewhere between (heavy sigh) "All right I guess I'll have to take another route" and big riot cops with mace.

Oh and the seats are much comfier here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

OK who *are* these women?

London is chock-full of beyootiful women...stunning, fashion-forward, gorgeous women. And that's fine; I don't begrudge them their uber-attractiveness. Not at all. But what really gets me are the women who manage to look good even on the tube. I just don't get it; is there some trick I'm missing? I'm standing there, various parts of my body drenched in sweat since it's only like six degrees from dehydration down there, makeup long since vanished, feet aching from trudges up stairs, then down stairs, then up again...and invariably I look through a sea of exhausted sardines crammed in the carriage and I see her. She looks polished, put together and poised. I have various theories as to how these women manage this feat:
1. They aren't real women but some sort of Stepford fembot creatures.
2. In my rush to find the victoria Line, the Metropolitan Line, the Waterloo Line...I'm somehow missing the signs that say "Airbrushing Line ---->."
3. There must be some class you can take here called "Looking Good on the Tube 101."
Again, hear me out. I don't resent them. I don't. As a matter of fact, since so many people on the tube seem to be uh, err, hmmm "hygenically challenged" I'd much rather they exist than not exist. And it's not like I want to pick anyone up on the tube, mind you, or anything of that sort. No, my curiosity is purely scientific.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The M25 at the end of the rainbow...

Yay for the camera phone!
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Three interesting facts I picked up tonight:

1. The children on my block think the house I live in is haunted.
2. The reason there are no rubbish (trash) bins (cans) in the tube stations is a result of IRA bombings.
3. A pig in a blanket over here is *not* the same thing as it is in the States.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Chicken soup, please...

I officially have a cold. An unfortunate coincidence with my first day of work and Rosh Hashanah....oh well, kvetch kvetch kvetch...more later when I come out of my Vitamin C and LemSip stupor.

PS. If by some chance anyone out there does have some chicken soup laying around, I'll give you my address.