Wednesday, April 18, 2007

To all those in the queue at Paddington Station who witnessed me losing my shizzy at the ticket seller....

...I apologise. Normally I'm very cool, calm and collected when I'm being treated like rubbish by a guy who obviously failed train ticket school.


Liz said...

What happened??
I totally agree though, FGW suck big time.

Noe said...

I was trying to buy a ticket last PM and when I showed my registered blind card to the guy at the counter, he refused to give me a discount, despite the fact that it says point blank on the website that I'm entitled to one. When I told him I've never had a problem with getting a discount with anyone else, he went and got some poster that says something about visually impaired people not getting a break...I couldn't really see what the poster said, b/c of course, I don't see well. :) Finally, I was going to miss the train so I let him sell me a full price fare and then called this morning and FGW is giving me a refund...because I'm right and Mr. McDummy was wrong.

Oh that, and the trains never run on time. Sorry you asked yet? :D

Liz said...

Really glad I asked! Very pleased they've seen the error of their ways & are giving you a refund!

Noe said...

Believe it or not the saga isn't over. In addition to calling FGW yesterday I had also sent an email to FGW. Today I got a patronising email back, saying I wasn't entitled to a discount. I wrote back and cut and pasted their website copy saying otherwise and told her that I'd already been told that I would get a refund. So suck on that...ok didn't put that last part, but honestly...argh.