And her little bro is having a record release party tonight all the way over in Texas so since I can't be there, I'll pay tribute by poasting their myspace addy here:
RTF til deaf!
Love. You. Goobie.
PS. It's punkmetalthrashhardcore in case you were wondering
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
And now for a Boxing Day tune....
You of course have to sing this to the melody of "Oh Chirstmas Tree."
Oh Christmas Fat, Oh Christmas Fat
I hope that you aren’t permanent.
Oh Christmas Fat, Oh Christmas Fat
I hope that you aren’t permanent.
You were not here two weeks ago
Now I shall have to do tae-bo
Oh Christmas Fat, Oh Christmas Fat
I hope that you aren’t permanent
If anoyone out there has a stanza to add, by all means...
Oh Christmas Fat, Oh Christmas Fat
I hope that you aren’t permanent.
Oh Christmas Fat, Oh Christmas Fat
I hope that you aren’t permanent.
You were not here two weeks ago
Now I shall have to do tae-bo
Oh Christmas Fat, Oh Christmas Fat
I hope that you aren’t permanent
If anoyone out there has a stanza to add, by all means...
Monday, December 25, 2006
Blogging on Christmas. What a loser.
I have V* and Gerard Manley Hopkins to thank for my favourite Advent reflection this year:
Now burn, new born to the world,
Doubled-naturèd name,
The heaven-flung, heart-fleshed, maiden-furled
Mid-numbered He in three of the thunder-throne!
Not a dooms-day dazzle in his coming nor dark as he came
Kind, but royally reclaiming his own;
A released shower, let flash to the shire, not a lightning of fire hard-hurled.
--from "Wreck of the Deutschland"
Now burn, new born to the world,
Doubled-naturèd name,
The heaven-flung, heart-fleshed, maiden-furled
Mid-numbered He in three of the thunder-throne!
Not a dooms-day dazzle in his coming nor dark as he came
Kind, but royally reclaiming his own;
A released shower, let flash to the shire, not a lightning of fire hard-hurled.
--from "Wreck of the Deutschland"
Monday, December 18, 2006
It's a mystery. A chicken mystery.
As I was travelling around London this weekend I came to a conclusion: Londoners love them some fried chicken.
I must have passed dozens of outlets for fried chicken, with names ranging from the more mundane: KFC, Chicken Express, Best Fried Chicken, to the more succinct Chicken and (my personal favourite) Tasty Chicken Land.
Herein lies the mystery: I never actually see anyone eating fried chicken. So what's the deal?
I must have passed dozens of outlets for fried chicken, with names ranging from the more mundane: KFC, Chicken Express, Best Fried Chicken, to the more succinct Chicken and (my personal favourite) Tasty Chicken Land.
Herein lies the mystery: I never actually see anyone eating fried chicken. So what's the deal?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Holocaust Denial and Double Standards
I never use this blog to comment on political issues, but this Holocaust denial conference (and those why 'deny' it's anything otherwise are wrong) is so loathsome I can't help it. Perhaps Jews should rise up around the world and violently protest...oh wait, there aren't enough to do so. Why? Because of the Holocaust.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The problem with going to hear Handel's Messiah at St. Paul's Cathedral when you've had too many late nights in a row prior to that
is that some parts of "Messiah" are just so soothing...almost to the point of causing drowsiness, or in my case, complete slumber. Don't worry I wasn't the only one and I did wake myself up way in advance of the Hallelujah chorus.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Tenacious D

The D stands for Donut of course, my Napoleon-esque boston terrier who is staying w/ my parents. Note the size discrepancy between the two dogs as they play tug o' war. This photo was snapped shortly before Donut succeeded in dragging Schwartz (my parents' dog) across the floor by pulling on the rope. Isn't she scrappy...not to mention downright sexy?
Sunday, November 26, 2006
How TiVo saved Thanksgiving
It's a classic Texas dilemma: you want to enjoy the togetherness and deliciousness of a Thanksgiving meal with your family, but dangit the Cowboys always play in the afternoon on Thanksgiving Day. So what's a family like mine to do, especially with a father, brothers and a recent ex-pat who refuse to miss the game? Eat way later? Eat turkey for breakfast?
Thank goodness this Thanksgiving was held at my brother's house. Why? Because Micah has TiVo. With a flick of a pause button we gathered for the gluttonous exercise that is Thanksgiving, prayed, laughed and shared what we were thankful for, and then whoosh, back to the living room, resume game, fast forward through commercials and bam, all is well.
And that's how TiVo saved Thanksgiving.
Thank goodness this Thanksgiving was held at my brother's house. Why? Because Micah has TiVo. With a flick of a pause button we gathered for the gluttonous exercise that is Thanksgiving, prayed, laughed and shared what we were thankful for, and then whoosh, back to the living room, resume game, fast forward through commercials and bam, all is well.
And that's how TiVo saved Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Great things about trip back to the U.S. so far (surprisingly only a few are food related)...
1. Getting to celebrate my brother Jonathan's birthday with him for the first time in over a decade. With Chinese food, cake and Shiner Bock.
2. Watching the Cowboys beat the previously undefeated Colts with the whole family.
3. Pumpkin spiced lattes from Sbux. That don't cost three pouns (close to $6).
4. Getting a Michael Kors sweater for $6.99 at Ross. (Yeah that's about three pounds.)
5. Black and white cookies from Cindi's Deli. Yes, we stopped on the way home from the airport.
6. Going shopping with my dad for his first (yes, first) cell phone. Welcome to the 20th (yes, 20th) century, Pops.
7. Seeing Donut, Professor and my parents' dog Schwartz all playing together in the backyard.
8. Jonathan giving me his last Resigned to Fate shirt (that's one of his bands). RTF 'til Deaf!
9. Services at my parents' congregation. Well, not the cleaning up part.
I'll stop at 9.
2. Watching the Cowboys beat the previously undefeated Colts with the whole family.
3. Pumpkin spiced lattes from Sbux. That don't cost three pouns (close to $6).
4. Getting a Michael Kors sweater for $6.99 at Ross. (Yeah that's about three pounds.)
5. Black and white cookies from Cindi's Deli. Yes, we stopped on the way home from the airport.
6. Going shopping with my dad for his first (yes, first) cell phone. Welcome to the 20th (yes, 20th) century, Pops.
7. Seeing Donut, Professor and my parents' dog Schwartz all playing together in the backyard.
8. Jonathan giving me his last Resigned to Fate shirt (that's one of his bands). RTF 'til Deaf!
9. Services at my parents' congregation. Well, not the cleaning up part.
I'll stop at 9.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Soundtrack to Landing at DFW last PM
Good ol' Jimmie Dale Gilmore...
Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night
Well Dallas is a jewel oh yeah Dallas is a beautiful sight
And Dallas is a jungle but Dallas gives a beautiful light
Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night
Well Dallas is a woman who will walk on you when you're down
When you are up she's the kind you want to take around
But Dallas ain't a woman to help you get your feet on the ground
And Dallas is a woman who will walk on you when you're down
Well I came in to Dallas with the bright lights on my mind
Well I came in to Dallas with a dollar and a dime
Well Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes
A steel and concrete soul and a warm hearted love disguise
A rich man who tends to believe in his own lies
Yeah Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes
Well I came in to Dallas with the bright lights on my mind
Well I came in to Dallas with a dollar and a dime
Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night
Well Dallas is a jewel oh yeah Dallas is a beautiful sight
And Dallas is a jungle but Dallas gives a beautiful light
Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night
Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night
Well Dallas is a jewel oh yeah Dallas is a beautiful sight
And Dallas is a jungle but Dallas gives a beautiful light
Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night
Well Dallas is a woman who will walk on you when you're down
When you are up she's the kind you want to take around
But Dallas ain't a woman to help you get your feet on the ground
And Dallas is a woman who will walk on you when you're down
Well I came in to Dallas with the bright lights on my mind
Well I came in to Dallas with a dollar and a dime
Well Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes
A steel and concrete soul and a warm hearted love disguise
A rich man who tends to believe in his own lies
Yeah Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes
Well I came in to Dallas with the bright lights on my mind
Well I came in to Dallas with a dollar and a dime
Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night
Well Dallas is a jewel oh yeah Dallas is a beautiful sight
And Dallas is a jungle but Dallas gives a beautiful light
Did you ever see Dallas from a DC9 at night
Saturday, November 04, 2006
The thing about Borat is that it is hilarious and deliciously clever at several points. It is also completely a movie for its time.
In ten years or so, people of my generation will try to get their kids to watch it and the kids totally won't get it and the parents will have to explain all sorts of references ("See, there was this U.S. President, George Bush...and that scary looking old lady named Pamela Anderson that you see hosting infomercials used to be hot..."
and the children will nod blankly...
In ten years or so, people of my generation will try to get their kids to watch it and the kids totally won't get it and the parents will have to explain all sorts of references ("See, there was this U.S. President, George Bush...and that scary looking old lady named Pamela Anderson that you see hosting infomercials used to be hot..."
and the children will nod blankly...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
My theme song for today that I just made up for myself.
Goes like this: "Might as well face it, you're addicted to Fark."
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tacky Headline o' the Day
I know that having resided in Britain, where one of the major papers recently ran the headline, "How do you solve a problem like Korea", I should be used to journalistic tackitude. But today's salute to tack comes from the NY Daily News, which decided to go with: 'Reese's marriage in pieces'.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Things that make you go, "Ew."
Wow. I'm sure that the state of Texas tourism office has considered many, many taglines for travel brochures, but now they can officially add, "Texas: the state that brought you fried Coke."
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Curiously enough.
I googled the phrase "American Londoner" and it only came back with 82 pages.
P.S. Then I googled the word "googled" and it came up with 3,880,000 pages.
P.S. Then I googled the word "googled" and it came up with 3,880,000 pages.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Read it and weep.
So after my eye doctor appointment today, I did a little reading about what benefits are available from my local council for people with severe visual impairments. It turns out that one of them is a discount at the cinema for the partially sighted person and a companion of their choice.
Cuz yeah, blind people just love to go to the movies.
Perhaps they should add the following benefits: driving lessons, bowling passes and a stargazing adventure.
Cuz yeah, blind people just love to go to the movies.
Perhaps they should add the following benefits: driving lessons, bowling passes and a stargazing adventure.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I'll tell ya what's sad...
4:45 this afternoon: go to get coffee, forget to get loyalty card stamped.
5:45 (now): still bugging me.
5:45 (now): still bugging me.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Can this be right?
A friend of mine who recently moved to London told me Saturday night that she already unknowingly committed two London dating faux pas:
1. She expected the guy to pay for dinner, even though it was the second date and not the first.
2. She accepted a man's invitation for a drink, but had made post-drink plans, so when the man asked her to go to dinner after the drink, she told him she had these plans...and hasn't heard from him since.
My friend was subsequently told that a| she shouldn't expect the man to pay for dinner after the first date, that that's just not done here, and b) she definitely should have left the whole evening free when the second man asked her out for a drink.
I told my friend that I would put this tale of woe up on my blog to see if any of the four people who read it could offer some insight regarding this Secret London Dating Code.
1. She expected the guy to pay for dinner, even though it was the second date and not the first.
2. She accepted a man's invitation for a drink, but had made post-drink plans, so when the man asked her to go to dinner after the drink, she told him she had these plans...and hasn't heard from him since.
My friend was subsequently told that a| she shouldn't expect the man to pay for dinner after the first date, that that's just not done here, and b) she definitely should have left the whole evening free when the second man asked her out for a drink.
I told my friend that I would put this tale of woe up on my blog to see if any of the four people who read it could offer some insight regarding this Secret London Dating Code.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Ha! I knew it wasn't just me!
from good ol' Wikipedia:
I haven't felt this big a sense of validation since reading recently that Scarlett Johansson's first crush was on David Bowie in Labyrinth. Yeah, that's right. Just like me.
Ah the comfort of consensus.
Coulrophobia is a mental condition concerning the fear of clowns and mime artists. It has attracted a large amount of interest in the entertainment media and on the Internet, where websites have been created to specifically address the condition.
I haven't felt this big a sense of validation since reading recently that Scarlett Johansson's first crush was on David Bowie in Labyrinth. Yeah, that's right. Just like me.
Ah the comfort of consensus.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
time to pimp the friend.
her unabashed joy never ceases to...well, it just never ceases.
her unabashed joy never ceases to...well, it just never ceases.
Monday, October 02, 2006
I kid you not; I've actually heard people say this today.
Why on earth would anybody wish someone a "Happy Yom Kippur"?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
You British people and your snappy retorts....
So favorite "snap" of response to my diatribe against Marmite, T* at work listened for awhile and came back with, "Well if we're gonna discuss the subject of sandwich fillings, what the heck is bologna?"
I guess you can say he told me.
But Marmite is still yucky. And I hate to break it to y'all, but so is Pimms.
Btw, T* is also the one who pointed out that American football is undeserving of the label because it doesn't actually involve the feet. Curses.
I guess you can say he told me.
But Marmite is still yucky. And I hate to break it to y'all, but so is Pimms.
Btw, T* is also the one who pointed out that American football is undeserving of the label because it doesn't actually involve the feet. Curses.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Hey! You know what's kinda fun?
Going to the airport when you don't have to travel. Went to meet 'Davaria' during their layover at LHR today. Heathrow is a much more fun place when it's not your cosmetics you're surrendering or you who has to wait in the security line. Or you who actually has to get on a plane. So if you can't find me this Saturday night, there's a better than even chance I'll be chillin' at Stanstead.

Hey look! It's NOT ME flying!

Hey look! It's NOT ME flying!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Words I've just plain refused to adopt...and why
While I've gladly incorporated 'chips', 'lift', 'bin', 'rubbish', 'car park' and various other British phrases into my vocabulary there are some I just cannot abide by:
'mobile' for cell phone (because it just sounds silly with my accent)
'kitchen roll' for paper towel (because you use it in places other than the kitchen)
'buttons' for remote control (because that's just wrong)
'sweets' for candy (because I just can't get into the habit and because the song 'I want Sweets' just wouldn't be the same...)
'cinema' for movies (cuz it's really hard to master the phrase, 'I'm going to the cinema to see the new Queen Latifah film...'
'aluminium' for aluminum (why would i put more syllables into a word...the same goes for 'disorientated' instead of disoriented...yes you could say it that way, but why??)
'hoover' for vacuum cleaner (just because)
'zed' (did nobody see pulp fiction?)
More to follow I'm sure.
'mobile' for cell phone (because it just sounds silly with my accent)
'kitchen roll' for paper towel (because you use it in places other than the kitchen)
'buttons' for remote control (because that's just wrong)
'sweets' for candy (because I just can't get into the habit and because the song 'I want Sweets' just wouldn't be the same...)
'cinema' for movies (cuz it's really hard to master the phrase, 'I'm going to the cinema to see the new Queen Latifah film...'
'aluminium' for aluminum (why would i put more syllables into a word...the same goes for 'disorientated' instead of disoriented...yes you could say it that way, but why??)
'hoover' for vacuum cleaner (just because)
'zed' (did nobody see pulp fiction?)
More to follow I'm sure.
Friday, September 01, 2006
All this for just £5.40
Yesterday I had five reminders of Why I Hate 'the Tube.'
1. At 9:46 AM I heard my least favorite six words: 'Severe delays on the Northern Line.'
2. The armpit(s) of the man in front of me when I finally got on said Northern Line, which was 18 different types of smelly.
3. My travelcard was somehow de-activated from the get-go, so at each station I had to ask a man in an orange vest to let me through.
4. At the end of the work day, as I was riding the escalator down to the depths of Waterloo station, it abruptly broke down, sending people lurching forward and then back as they all braced themselves. OK, so that part was kind of funny.
5. One of the stations I was trying to get to was closed due to 'overcrowding'? Yeah figure that one out.
1. At 9:46 AM I heard my least favorite six words: 'Severe delays on the Northern Line.'
2. The armpit(s) of the man in front of me when I finally got on said Northern Line, which was 18 different types of smelly.
3. My travelcard was somehow de-activated from the get-go, so at each station I had to ask a man in an orange vest to let me through.
4. At the end of the work day, as I was riding the escalator down to the depths of Waterloo station, it abruptly broke down, sending people lurching forward and then back as they all braced themselves. OK, so that part was kind of funny.
5. One of the stations I was trying to get to was closed due to 'overcrowding'? Yeah figure that one out.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Answer: 19 October 2006
Question: What date did Whipps Cross Hospital give me as their next available opthamology appointment?
Not kidding. Gotta *love* the NHS.
Not kidding. Gotta *love* the NHS.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
my (first) birthday cupcake*
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Sarcasm chasm
Having been told by a co-worker that my last post demonstrates a typical American lack of understanding regarding the British use of sarcasm, I hereby clarify: I FREAKING LOVED PRAGUE!
My apologies to my swarms of British fans...(see, I can do sarcasm).
My apologies to my swarms of British fans...(see, I can do sarcasm).
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
My Most Exciting Purchase Today
My most exciting purchase today was a passport wallet. Why? Because in three days I'm meeting my MA and some of her peeps in Prague and then we're going to Vienna for a day. YAY! Tips on "what to do with 48 hours in Prague/ Vienna" welcome. :)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
There must be a point....
There must be a point at which it gets so hot it's actually legal to kill people.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
So an American walks into a McDonald's...
Recently, on the way back from a conference, J* stopped at the McDonald's in the Cambridge Motor Services. (J* is an American who has lived in the UK for going on 20 years now.)
British people will be the first to tell you that they "know how to queue" (line up). However at the McD's, there were four registers open and one queue for all of them that was beginning to stretch out into the main shopping area, blocking other people from getting by the McD's.
So J* figured the logical thing to do was begin a new queue at one of the open tills, which would more evenly distribute the people at each of the four registers. But as he moved to do so, he was accosted by a tall, lanky British guy about 30 years old or so, who got right in his face and said, "Now how's that fair?! What if one queue moves faster than another one?!?" When J* tried to explain that the queue was getting unruly, the British guy, noting J*'s accent, yelled, "If you don't like it, get the **** back on the boat to America!"
Dialogue from here:
J*: "I've been here for 20 years, sir."
Angry British guy; "Hey we had rationing in THIS country, so we know how to queue, alright! Here, why don't you just cut in front of me, would that make you happy? Eh?!?"
J*: "No, that's ok, I'm not really in that much of a hurry."
Now, several responses could have been made to Angry British guy, aside from the obvious two fingers.
1. You're 30. You weren't even *around* during the WW2 rationing.
2. Well, apparently you missed the brain rations day.
3. You're telling ME to go back to America when you're in line to buy food in McDonald's?? Why don't YOU go to America if McD's is so important to you. There are tons of them there...Oh wait, the way we line up may bother you to no end so nevermind.
4. I've paid taxes and National Insurance here for 20 years, idiot, so if I go back to the US, that's less money the NHS will have to reverse your lobotomy.
5. Are you on crack? Seriously, are you?
I think the thing that bothers me MOST about this episode is that if I were ever to say the equivalent to someone who had immigrated to the US, i.e. told a Mexican gentleman to get back on the boat to where he came from, I would be lambasted and hung from the politically correct gallows...and rightly so. But here it's perfectly acceptable to treat Americans like space invaders. I'm not saying there aren't obnoxious Americans out there, but please. So Angry British guy, if you're out there, just shut up and eat your Big Mac.
British people will be the first to tell you that they "know how to queue" (line up). However at the McD's, there were four registers open and one queue for all of them that was beginning to stretch out into the main shopping area, blocking other people from getting by the McD's.
So J* figured the logical thing to do was begin a new queue at one of the open tills, which would more evenly distribute the people at each of the four registers. But as he moved to do so, he was accosted by a tall, lanky British guy about 30 years old or so, who got right in his face and said, "Now how's that fair?! What if one queue moves faster than another one?!?" When J* tried to explain that the queue was getting unruly, the British guy, noting J*'s accent, yelled, "If you don't like it, get the **** back on the boat to America!"
Dialogue from here:
J*: "I've been here for 20 years, sir."
Angry British guy; "Hey we had rationing in THIS country, so we know how to queue, alright! Here, why don't you just cut in front of me, would that make you happy? Eh?!?"
J*: "No, that's ok, I'm not really in that much of a hurry."
Now, several responses could have been made to Angry British guy, aside from the obvious two fingers.
1. You're 30. You weren't even *around* during the WW2 rationing.
2. Well, apparently you missed the brain rations day.
3. You're telling ME to go back to America when you're in line to buy food in McDonald's?? Why don't YOU go to America if McD's is so important to you. There are tons of them there...Oh wait, the way we line up may bother you to no end so nevermind.
4. I've paid taxes and National Insurance here for 20 years, idiot, so if I go back to the US, that's less money the NHS will have to reverse your lobotomy.
5. Are you on crack? Seriously, are you?
I think the thing that bothers me MOST about this episode is that if I were ever to say the equivalent to someone who had immigrated to the US, i.e. told a Mexican gentleman to get back on the boat to where he came from, I would be lambasted and hung from the politically correct gallows...and rightly so. But here it's perfectly acceptable to treat Americans like space invaders. I'm not saying there aren't obnoxious Americans out there, but please. So Angry British guy, if you're out there, just shut up and eat your Big Mac.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
In Response....
R*s blog the other day reported: 'According to the July 10 New York Post, a professor from the University of Pennsylvania has been recruited to train other educators—in England—on how to teach "lessons in happiness." These lessons are for 11-year-olds in state schools and are meant to combat "a huge rise in depression."'
R* wonders what could be so wrong over here that 11-year-olds would need happy classes. To be honest, I'm not sure. I mean, yes, there's a tax on practically everything and the tube is hot and smelly and you can't find a Slurpee around here to save your life....on the other hand, the sun doesn't go down until 10 PM these days, there are free music conerts everywhere and Avenue Q finally go here, so yay.
Then again....

*That's* pretty depressing.
R* wonders what could be so wrong over here that 11-year-olds would need happy classes. To be honest, I'm not sure. I mean, yes, there's a tax on practically everything and the tube is hot and smelly and you can't find a Slurpee around here to save your life....on the other hand, the sun doesn't go down until 10 PM these days, there are free music conerts everywhere and Avenue Q finally go here, so yay.
Then again....

*That's* pretty depressing.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I don't get it.
If they *can* make deoderant that doesn't leave white stuff on your shirt, then why don't they just make *all* deoderant that way? I mean, are there people out there who actually *prefer* to have white smudges on their clothes?
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Well it was fun while it lasted.
And I want everyone to know how hard I worked to NOT put a "World Cup Runneth Over" post on after the England/ Portugal match. So there.
Monday, June 26, 2006
It makes for a somewhat more sensible cheer....
"Go England!"
(Yes now that America is at the sinkbed of the World Cup chart, it makes sense for me to throw my newfound football enthusiasm toward my adopted country's team and to pretend they've been my favorite....err, favourite all along.)
(Yes now that America is at the sinkbed of the World Cup chart, it makes sense for me to throw my newfound football enthusiasm toward my adopted country's team and to pretend they've been my favorite....err, favourite all along.)
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
A 3-"nil" loss nonwithstanding...
I refused to let the rump-kicking America got the other night damper my newly-found football fever, so yesterday I watched my "other" country play (and finally beat) Trinidad and Tobago. And as exciting as that was, I have to say that overall, the best adjective to describe the sport of football, I think, would be "tantric"...a whole lotta action, and nobody ever scores.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Fever Part 2
The truth is, due to my unwavering loyalty to my senior year of high school boyfriend, until two weeks ago, I figured I'd witnessed enough soccer matches (sorry, but that's what we call it over across that there pond). I figured I'd put in enough time enthusiastically cheering for a game wherein scoring seemed next to impossible back when I was 17. So when I moved to England and a friend remarked,"Ohhh you'll be there for the World Cup; that'll be craaaazy" I was less than plussed (I figure if there's a non-plussed there can be a less than).
But seeing all these England flags pop up all over the place, and people at school picking their teams in the pool C* drew up and fnding little Diet Coke bottles in the shape of s----r balls at the grocery store....not to mention the new FABULOUS Krispy Kreme World Cup Doughnut....well, it's hard to not get sucked in. I'm a bit dismayed to read about the violence that took place a couple of hours ago at Canary Wharf where they broadcast the England game on two giant screens (especially considering probably everyone there was supporting the same team). Nonetheless, I intend to watch Monday as the American team plays the first game in their series...yup, that's right, I who thought those days were over. I *might* even begin referring to the game as football.
So Woohoo World Cup!
Then again, I might just be in it for the doughnuts..
But seeing all these England flags pop up all over the place, and people at school picking their teams in the pool C* drew up and fnding little Diet Coke bottles in the shape of s----r balls at the grocery store....not to mention the new FABULOUS Krispy Kreme World Cup Doughnut....well, it's hard to not get sucked in. I'm a bit dismayed to read about the violence that took place a couple of hours ago at Canary Wharf where they broadcast the England game on two giant screens (especially considering probably everyone there was supporting the same team). Nonetheless, I intend to watch Monday as the American team plays the first game in their series...yup, that's right, I who thought those days were over. I *might* even begin referring to the game as football.
So Woohoo World Cup!
Then again, I might just be in it for the doughnuts..
Sunday, June 04, 2006
"What *is* that strange yellow orb of light in the sky???" or "And you thought tea was for drinking..."
In an amazing-weather stupor I dragged my friend D* to my friend R*'s b-day picnic yesterday and managed to acquire my first sunburn o' the year. Those of you who know me know I'm normally an spf-45 kinda girl, but I guess there was part of me that remained in such disbelief about the aforementioned good weather (this being London and all) so I didn't re-apply enough. Hence the burn.
But here's a tip for y'all: Dunk some teabags in some warm water and apply them to your skin and it totally takes the sting away. I think I owe that l'il tidbit of info to the New York Public Library Desk Reference book, which if you don't own it, you should. And here British people thought tea was merely meant to be imbibed at half-hour intervals throughout the day....
Anyway, the picnic was gooooooorgeous: cans of cider and cones of melty ice cream and light breezes and people with puppies. Happy Birthday, R*!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go scrub the tea-stains from my shoulders. :)
But here's a tip for y'all: Dunk some teabags in some warm water and apply them to your skin and it totally takes the sting away. I think I owe that l'il tidbit of info to the New York Public Library Desk Reference book, which if you don't own it, you should. And here British people thought tea was merely meant to be imbibed at half-hour intervals throughout the day....
Anyway, the picnic was gooooooorgeous: cans of cider and cones of melty ice cream and light breezes and people with puppies. Happy Birthday, R*!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go scrub the tea-stains from my shoulders. :)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Pet Peeve of the Day
(Note to self: the next pet I own shall be named Peeve.)
OK moving on. I have decided that I hate-hate-hate 'advertorials' know, those ads in mags that *look* like articles with intriguing titles so you start reading them and think, 'Wow this magazine really likes these Biore nose strips...' only to look up at the top of the page and see in faint print, 'promotion' or 'special advertising section' or some such euphemism for 'FAKE FEATURE STORY.' Whose idea *was* this ruse? I don't know, but for the record, it's aggravating. Bring back in-your-face-non-subtle-none-too-clever-brightly-colored-magazine-engulfing-ads, I beg you.
OK moving on. I have decided that I hate-hate-hate 'advertorials' know, those ads in mags that *look* like articles with intriguing titles so you start reading them and think, 'Wow this magazine really likes these Biore nose strips...' only to look up at the top of the page and see in faint print, 'promotion' or 'special advertising section' or some such euphemism for 'FAKE FEATURE STORY.' Whose idea *was* this ruse? I don't know, but for the record, it's aggravating. Bring back in-your-face-non-subtle-none-too-clever-brightly-colored-magazine-engulfing-ads, I beg you.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
"I was prepared to love you anyway."
A favourite recent quote from V* during a recent conversation wherein she expressed relief that I hadn't developed an affected British accent during my time here. But it's nice to know she woulda loved me anyway. :)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
I'm over it.
I'm officially never eating chocolate again.
For the record, British chocolate is good. Really good. But this past weekend was Easter weekend, a.k.a. Four Days of Mandatory Chocolate Ingestion. Let's face it; when you're in a new country there is a temptation to do as the locals do, and the locals do swallow down a massive amount of cocoa and sugar products during this season. I have literally seen Easter eggs the size of human heads disappear rapidly, making all the British comments about the gargantuan sizes of American food portions um, ironic to say the least.
All this to say if I don't see another Cadbury egg or Lindt bunny until...well I guess until next Eater, I mean Easter, I'll be ok.
For the record, British chocolate is good. Really good. But this past weekend was Easter weekend, a.k.a. Four Days of Mandatory Chocolate Ingestion. Let's face it; when you're in a new country there is a temptation to do as the locals do, and the locals do swallow down a massive amount of cocoa and sugar products during this season. I have literally seen Easter eggs the size of human heads disappear rapidly, making all the British comments about the gargantuan sizes of American food portions um, ironic to say the least.
All this to say if I don't see another Cadbury egg or Lindt bunny until...well I guess until next Eater, I mean Easter, I'll be ok.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
You haven't seen excitement...
until you've witnessed the hyper reaction of an entire office after the announcement: "Hot cross buns upstairs!"
For you Americans, I'll have to explain hot cross buns later as I'm at work.
For you Americans, I'll have to explain hot cross buns later as I'm at work.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
My New Hero
On a recent plane flight, in the rare few moments when I wasn't gripping the armrests in terror, I managed to start reading Bill Bryson's Notes From a Small Island, which a friend gave me a few years ago. I'd like to write like him when I grow up, though his hilarious observations about Britain basically render my blog superfluous. OK more superfluous.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Two recent occurences that prove I'm old.
1. I got seven kids evicted from the movies the other night because they were being rude...this after shhhhh-ing them several times.
2. Yesterday I described a donut from Krispy Kreme as being "too sweet."
Somebody help me.
2. Yesterday I described a donut from Krispy Kreme as being "too sweet."
Somebody help me.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
The customer is always....angry.
I'm taking a break from my regularly scheduled programming (which in this case is prepping for tomorrow's seminar on The Realm of the Dead in the Old yeah, hard to tear myself away from that one) for a good old fashioned gripe session, and to issue an apology.
OK, first the apology. To all those incredibly obsequious, manic salespeople who have bent over backwards (not usually literally) to make sure I "had everything I need" or "was satisfied with my purchase" know who you are. Chances are I probably snubbed you or just barely grunted at you when you asked if I'd "found everything OK."
Well what I wouldn't give for a good dose of over-the-top-albeit-usually-insincere freakishly good customer service.
Allow me to briefly share an anecdote. One evening a friend of mine and I went to return something he'd purchased to the (ick) mall. He'd called up the store from whence this item came and asked how late they were open. "6:30" they told him. We arrived at the mall at 6:10, paid a quid to park and rushed inside only to see the store in question closed, metal gate pulled down and everything. We decided to call this store and inquire as to why they were closed when they said they'd be open. The oh-so-charming person who answered the phone and listened to our mystification at arriving at a store that was supposed to be open and wasn't put us on hold for a minute and then came back and said,"Well, nobody here would have told you we were open til 6:30. We close at 6."
My friend: "Yeah, I now understand you close at 6. But I'm not making it up; someone there told me 6:30 or else I wouldn't have driven out here."
Retail Monster: "Well, nobody here would have told you that."
My friend: "Well, seeing as you are there an all, could you lift the gate and take my return."
Retail Monster: "Nope, we're closed."
Note the absence of any "I'm sorry" or offer to compensate for our time, aggravation, or quid for parking. No, just an assumption that a) we had nothing better to do that fight through traffic and peruse an empty mall, b) were idiots who didn't know the difference between6 and 6:30 and c) we'd just take it and live with the idea that the customer in this case is always wrong.
Oh kiss-butt shopgirls of days gone by, where art thou?
OK, first the apology. To all those incredibly obsequious, manic salespeople who have bent over backwards (not usually literally) to make sure I "had everything I need" or "was satisfied with my purchase" know who you are. Chances are I probably snubbed you or just barely grunted at you when you asked if I'd "found everything OK."
Well what I wouldn't give for a good dose of over-the-top-albeit-usually-insincere freakishly good customer service.
Allow me to briefly share an anecdote. One evening a friend of mine and I went to return something he'd purchased to the (ick) mall. He'd called up the store from whence this item came and asked how late they were open. "6:30" they told him. We arrived at the mall at 6:10, paid a quid to park and rushed inside only to see the store in question closed, metal gate pulled down and everything. We decided to call this store and inquire as to why they were closed when they said they'd be open. The oh-so-charming person who answered the phone and listened to our mystification at arriving at a store that was supposed to be open and wasn't put us on hold for a minute and then came back and said,"Well, nobody here would have told you we were open til 6:30. We close at 6."
My friend: "Yeah, I now understand you close at 6. But I'm not making it up; someone there told me 6:30 or else I wouldn't have driven out here."
Retail Monster: "Well, nobody here would have told you that."
My friend: "Well, seeing as you are there an all, could you lift the gate and take my return."
Retail Monster: "Nope, we're closed."
Note the absence of any "I'm sorry" or offer to compensate for our time, aggravation, or quid for parking. No, just an assumption that a) we had nothing better to do that fight through traffic and peruse an empty mall, b) were idiots who didn't know the difference between6 and 6:30 and c) we'd just take it and live with the idea that the customer in this case is always wrong.
Oh kiss-butt shopgirls of days gone by, where art thou?
I haven't flunked out yet!
Woohoo, just got the old essay results back from the first term. Will not divulge scores here but we can safely say that London will be kickin' my hiney for several more months.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
The Metamorphosis
So my parents were just here for a week, so I got to watch them transform from excited tourists into tube zombies in just seven days.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
This is fantastic...
Many thanks to C* from school, who sent me the following...
In Dr. Edward Pocoke's translation (Oxford,
1659) of The Nature of the Drink
Kauhi, or Coffee, and the Berry of which
it is Made, Described by an Arabian Phisitian,
we read:
That which makes for its coldnesse is its stipticknesse.
In summer it is by experience found
to conduce to the drying of rheumes, and flegmatick
coughes and distillations, and the opening
of obstructions, and the provocation of urin.
It is now known by the name of Kohwah. When
it is dried and thoroughly boyled, it allayes the
ebullition of the blood, is good against the small
poxe and measles, the bloudy pimples; yet
causeth vertiginous headheach, and maketh lean
much, occasioneth waking, and the Emrods, and
asswageth lust, and sometimes breeds melancholly.
He that would drink it for livelinesse sake,
and to discusse slothfulnesse, and the other
properties that we have mentioned, let him use
much sweat meates with it, and oyle of pistaccioes,
and butter. Some drink it with milk,
but it is an error, and such as may bring in
danger of the leprosy.
In Dr. Edward Pocoke's translation (Oxford,
1659) of The Nature of the Drink
Kauhi, or Coffee, and the Berry of which
it is Made, Described by an Arabian Phisitian,
we read:
That which makes for its coldnesse is its stipticknesse.
In summer it is by experience found
to conduce to the drying of rheumes, and flegmatick
coughes and distillations, and the opening
of obstructions, and the provocation of urin.
It is now known by the name of Kohwah. When
it is dried and thoroughly boyled, it allayes the
ebullition of the blood, is good against the small
poxe and measles, the bloudy pimples; yet
causeth vertiginous headheach, and maketh lean
much, occasioneth waking, and the Emrods, and
asswageth lust, and sometimes breeds melancholly.
He that would drink it for livelinesse sake,
and to discusse slothfulnesse, and the other
properties that we have mentioned, let him use
much sweat meates with it, and oyle of pistaccioes,
and butter. Some drink it with milk,
but it is an error, and such as may bring in
danger of the leprosy.
Friday, January 06, 2006
New Holiday Experiences
Thanks, London, for the following new holiday things that had heretofore gone un-experienced by me:
1. mince pies...yeah, you can keep those
2. actually seeing people eat and enjoy know, in the States only people who don't like you very much give you fruitcake for Christmas...and nobody eats it. nobody. it's like a big paperweight that gets moldy.
3. getting kicked out of a church...well, more like standing in line in the freezing cold waiting to get into st. martin-in-the-fields carol service only to be told there's (insert obvious "no room at the inn" joke here). so you can't really get kicked out if you were never allowed in. hmmm wonder if there was a VIP list...
4. a complete, total, utter lack of candy canes...this was a shocker. y'all really should get you some candy canes...they are the business.
5. UK office christmas parties...see previous posts...boy are they a hoot and a half, just like in the movies!
(side note: speaking of movies...if you've never been to London, you may be shocked to learn that all those movies that portray a snow-clad London...are full of poop. it really doesn't snow here. that scene where bridget jones runs through the drifts to meet colin firth in her skivvies...totally false advertising.)
6. christmas crackers and those big balloony things that fly around the room when inflated...very very fun, especially when they land in other people's dinner. in my opinion they should pull those out much more often.
7. no tube service on christmas day...ok, that's just insane. what about all those people rushing off to christmas services they aren't allowed into??? or like, the i don't know, millions of people of other faiths who happen to live here and probably don't celebrate christmas? or what if you have to get to heathrow (that one was for you, DH).
8. boxing day. ok, that's brilliant. another day to recover from the previous day's gluttony and to be gluttonous all over again!?!? sign me up.
1. mince pies...yeah, you can keep those
2. actually seeing people eat and enjoy know, in the States only people who don't like you very much give you fruitcake for Christmas...and nobody eats it. nobody. it's like a big paperweight that gets moldy.
3. getting kicked out of a church...well, more like standing in line in the freezing cold waiting to get into st. martin-in-the-fields carol service only to be told there's (insert obvious "no room at the inn" joke here). so you can't really get kicked out if you were never allowed in. hmmm wonder if there was a VIP list...
4. a complete, total, utter lack of candy canes...this was a shocker. y'all really should get you some candy canes...they are the business.
5. UK office christmas parties...see previous posts...boy are they a hoot and a half, just like in the movies!
(side note: speaking of movies...if you've never been to London, you may be shocked to learn that all those movies that portray a snow-clad London...are full of poop. it really doesn't snow here. that scene where bridget jones runs through the drifts to meet colin firth in her skivvies...totally false advertising.)
6. christmas crackers and those big balloony things that fly around the room when inflated...very very fun, especially when they land in other people's dinner. in my opinion they should pull those out much more often.
7. no tube service on christmas day...ok, that's just insane. what about all those people rushing off to christmas services they aren't allowed into??? or like, the i don't know, millions of people of other faiths who happen to live here and probably don't celebrate christmas? or what if you have to get to heathrow (that one was for you, DH).
8. boxing day. ok, that's brilliant. another day to recover from the previous day's gluttony and to be gluttonous all over again!?!? sign me up.
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